
UX+UI / App Design / Flyer / Report

Archway Health is bringing Archie, a health service that helps people in finding the best healthcare specialists. Using their data and insights on specialty care, Archway Health aims to make data-driven physician selection guidance to as may people as possible.

(Work is done as part of Gallery Design Studio.)

Archway Health

UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Graphic Design

Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite

2019, 2020

App Design

The Problem
Healthcare in the United States is complicated. Employers are frustrated with healthcare costs and patients may face many challenges in navigating the healthcare landscape.

The Goal
– Reduce healthcare costs for employers and employees
– Make it easier to find quality care
– Provide a better patient journey experience

Design Solution Takeaways
– Data and analytics visually presented clearly
– Easily accessible navigation for relevant information
– Step-by-step care journey for patients

User Flow & Design
In order to move Archie from ideation phase to proof of concepts, I flushed out the high fidelity app design. I created visual designs and prototypes that were showcased to stakeholders and potential users to obtain critical feedback.

While I can’t disclose certain details of the app design due to the NDA, feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more!

